Madame World Tour Continues
After a holdback caused by COVID-19 pandemic, Madame documentary hits the road
Long-awaited French theatrical release with Outplay was launched with great success in Paris on August 26 in presence of filmmaker and producer, Stéphane Riethauser. Since then this moving and intimate family saga has conquered the hearts of French audiences and press alike and it’s planned to be screened at more than 20 locations throughout the country.
With Madame entering the third week in French cinemas, Riethauser wasn’t trying to hide the excitement and gratitude:
“I’m thrilled for the amazing reviews coming from French press. More than 40 articles have been published in the last few days. I am overwhelmed with joy.”

In parallel to theatrical screenings, IN&OUT Festival is taking care of this documentary gem to be presented in Cannes, Nice and soon in Grenoble with at VUES D’EN FACE Festival. Projection in Nice is scheduled for Sunday September 13, 19:30 Cinéma Le Mercury and the audience will have a chance to share their impressions and hear more from the director after the film.
Two more wonderful premieres are knocking at the door and we’re thankful to bring this beautiful film to Mostra FIRE! International Festival for Catalan Premiere in Barcelona where Madame will be available from September 10 to 20 for online watching on Filmin. On the same day, film lovers in Lithuania will be able to see Madame at Vilnius Queer International Film Festival Kreives screening at 6:20pm. Filmmaker and LGBT activist Romas Zabarauskas will introduce the film.
Thanks to Swiss films and Swiss Consulate in São Paulo, Madame visited Brazil as part of the 8th Digital Panorama of Swiss Cinema. Online African Premiere took place at 20th ENCOUNTERS South African International Documentary Film Festival on August 25th and it was followed by a live Q&A moderated by curator Peter Machen.
For the audience in the United States, we’re thrilled to share the news of the US distribution agreement we have signed with Altered Inoccence, Los Angeles based distributor specialized in artistic and edgy LGBTQ and Coming-of-Age Cinema. Further details on US release will be forthcoming.