INTERCEPTED Celebrates World Premiere at Berlinale
This year’s edition of the Berlin International Film Festival came and went and we’re still buzzing from the emotions of celebrating the World Premiere of Oksana Karpovych’s powerful feature documentary INTERCEPTED at the Forum!
The film premiered at the 74th edition of the festival, to a packed Zoo Palast theatre, and was received with a standing ovation from the audience.

INTERCEPTED, which was nominated for the Berlinale Documentary Award, received two special mentions from the independent Jury:
- Special Mention for Amnesty International Film Award
- Special Mention for Ecumenical Award
We’re extremely happy with the attention that the film got from the press as well.
“It is certainly a triumph for public domain-derived journalism and the non-fiction filmmaking that can spring from it.” … “Considered in light of Karpovych’s previous dispatches on the war for Al Jazeera’s 24-hour coverage, it’s worth highlighting the cinematic distinction, and most importantly, the visual and pictorial intelligence, of what we see. It chimes with a trend in depictions of wars and atrocities to show them – if that at all – in a deferred, oblique manner: it’s the finger on the trigger, and then the dissipating smoke, with the explosion itself erased.“
David Katz, Cineuropa
“This is a powerful evocation of the horrors of war. The stark absences stir the darkest recesses of the human imagination.“
Redmond Bacon, Journey into Cinema
“Intercepted is a stark reminder of the soul-sucking effect of war, sapping the last bit of humanity from people who perhaps, by and large, indeed were not like this.“
Marc van de Klashorst, International Cinephile Society
“Interecepted is a heavy, hair raising watch that brings the terror of war to the viewership without a stain of blood. Executed with technical precision and with carefully selected images to accompany the excerpts of phonecalls, it creates the tension which does not ebb away until the film’s final scene.”
Marina D. Richter, Ubiquarian

Intercepted is going on to screen at Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival (March 7-17) and CPH:DOX (March 13-24) next.